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Holy Sh*t! Here's the Amazing Reference That No One Caught to the National Geographic Magazine In 'Cairo,' This Week's Episode of 'The Leftovers'

By Dustin Rowles | The Leftovers | August 20, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | The Leftovers | August 20, 2014 |

If you’re keeping up with the nuttery surrounding the May 1972 National Geographic magazine that Kevin’s father gave him on The Leftovers, we can add more one amazing connection from the events of the show to the magazine.

Just a refresher: So far, there have been several mentions in the show to articles mentioned on the cover of that magazine, including a reference Christine made to “a spider that lives under the water,” two references to “Cairo,” and there’s a thematic connection between the show and “The Riddle Of The Minoans” piece in the magazine (for more details, click here).

Josh Kurp asked me this week on the Station Agents podcast how much i would spend for a copy of that National Geographic Magazine, and I basically said, next to nothing, because I seriously doubted anything within the show would refer to the contents inside of the magazine.

I was very wrong. Check this out, via The Guilty Remnant Podcast:


The top image is from the May 1972 issue of National Geographic.

Holy Shit.

Source: The Guilty Remnant Podcast